Well awakened by a Starbuck's coffee I started my day with a lecture about "New York City Subway Ceramics". Always already I am interested in tiles and they did a wonderful job in New York. After another panel discussion , about raw materials, minerals and clay and discussion about how to critize and be criticized,
Platter by Frank Boyden.
Frank Boyden
Iwent back to the simultaneous clay demonstrations by Jamie Walker, Frank Boyden and Mika Negishi, a continuation of yesterday.
Jamie Walker
Bowl and Spheres by Jamie Walker.
It was interesting to see what the final products were becoming.
Mika Negishi's work: arms in the air and basket.
In the afternoon, I saw an exposition from kids from Kindergarten - 12 grade. Some wonderful pieces! Then there was a book signing and the mug sale. A friend of mine had bought my mug!
At ClayArt in the evening we had a mug exchange and I received a really nice little mug with daffodils engraved in it.
Tomorrow, I will still go to some galleries and a market.
Thank you for reading my logs and talk to you again the next time.

Iwent back to the simultaneous clay demonstrations by Jamie Walker, Frank Boyden and Mika Negishi, a continuation of yesterday.

It was interesting to see what the final products were becoming.

In the afternoon, I saw an exposition from kids from Kindergarten - 12 grade. Some wonderful pieces! Then there was a book signing and the mug sale. A friend of mine had bought my mug!
At ClayArt in the evening we had a mug exchange and I received a really nice little mug with daffodils engraved in it.
Tomorrow, I will still go to some galleries and a market.
Thank you for reading my logs and talk to you again the next time.
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